Statement of Faith (By-Laws)

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THE SCRIPTURES: We believe that the Bible is the verbally inspired Word of God and is inerrant in the original writings. The Bible being the revealed Word of God is the ground and foundation from which all claims of truth will be substantiated (II Timothy 3:16, II Peter 1:23).


  1. By “The Holy Bible” we mean the collection of sixty-six books, from Genesis to Revelation, which as originally written does not only contain and convey the Word of God, but is the Word of God.
  2. By “Inspiration” we mean that the books of the Bible were written by Holy men of old, as they were moved by the Holy Spirit, in such a manner, that their writings, were supernaturally and verbally inspired and free from error, as no other writing has ever been or will ever be.


OF THE TRUE GOD: We believe that there is one true and living God existing in three persons: The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each is a distinct person, but all of one essence and all having the same nature, perfections, attributes, and each is worthy of precisely the same Worship, Confidence, and Obedience (Genesis 1:1-3, 26; Matthew 3:16, 17; 28:19; John 1:1, 14: John 10:30, 14:26, 15:26).


OF JESUS CHRIST: We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, begotten by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, and shed His blood on Calvary’s cross as a vicarious substitute for fallen humanity. He was born, died, and rose again, and ascended to the Father according to the Scriptures (Luke 1:16-33).


OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, very God co-existing with the Father and the Son. The Holy Spirit is the chief agent in the regeneration of the soul, the chief convictor of sin, and the chief comforter of the believer. The Holy Spirit bears witness to the truth of the Gospel in preaching and in testimony; that He seals, endues with power, guides, teaches, witnesses, sanctifies, and helps the believer (John 14:16-17, 26, 16:8-11, 15:26-27; Matthew 28:19; Hebrews 9:14; Genesis 1:1-3; Luke 1:35; II Thessalonians 2:7; Acts 5:30-32).


OF THE FALL OF MAN: We believe that man was originally created in the image and likeness of God, he was endowed with intelligence, conscience, and will. He had the ability to reason and make decisions for himself so that he could exercise free choice. He voluntarily yielded to the temptation of Satan, thus rebelling against God. Consequently man fell from his state of innocence and was placed under a state of condemnation. Hence, all humankind born to Adam become transgressors and is without defense or excuse (Genesis 1:26, 3:1-6, 24; Romans 3:10; Ephesians 2:1, 3; Galatians 3:22).


OF CREATION: We believe in the Genesis account of creation, and that it is to be accepted literally, and not allegorically or figuratively; that man was created directly in God’s own image and after His own likeness; that man’s creation was not a matter of evolution or evolutionary changes of species; or development through interminable periods of time from lower to higher forms; that all animal and vegetable life was made directly and God’s established law was that they should bring forth only “after their kind” (Genesis 1:1; Exodus 20:11; Acts 4:24; Colossians 1:16-17; Hebrews 11:3).


OF THE DEVIL OR SATAN: We believe that Satan was once holy, and enjoyed heavenly honors; but through rebellion, pride, and ambition to be almighty, fell and drew after him a host of angels. He is now the prince of the power of the air and the unholy god of this world’s system. Satan has been judged defeated at the cross and awaits the final judgment of an eternal justice in hell, a place prepared for him and his angels (Isaiah 14:12+-15; Ezekiel 28:14-14; Revelation 12:9; Jude 6; I Peter 5:8).


OF REPRENTANCE AND FAITH: We believe that repentance and faith are solemn obligations, and also inseparable graces, wrought in the souls by the quickening Spirit of God; thereby being deeply convicted of our guilt, danger, helplessness, and of the way of salvation of Christ, we turn to God with unfeigned contrition, confession and supplication for mercy; at the same time receiving the Lord Jesus Christ as our only and all-sufficient Savior (Acts 20:21, 2:37:38; Psalm 51:1-4, 7; Romans 10:9-11,13)


OF JUSTIFICATION: We believe that justification is God’s legal and full acquittal of sinners who believe in and have confidence in Christ; that justification includes the pardon of sin, and the gift of eternal life on the principle of righteousness; that it is bestowed not because of any works of righteousness that we have done; but solely through faith of the redeemer’s blood, His righteousness is imputed unto us (Acts 13:39; Romans 1:17, 4:1-8, 5:9, 8:1; Galatians 3:11).


OF THE PERSEVERANCE OF THE SAINTS: We believe that all who endure to the end shall be saved; that only such believers, because of their persevering attachment to Christ, demonstrate and distinguish themselves from the superficial professor; that a special providence watches over their welfare; and that they are kept by the power of God through faith unto eternal salvation (John 8:31-32; Colossians 1:21-23; I John 2:19; Romans 8:28; Hebrews 1:14; Philippians 1:6; Matthew 24:4-13).


OF BAPTISM AND THE LORD’S SUPPER: We believe that Christian baptism is the immersion in water of a believer; in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, with authority of the local church, to show forth a solemn and beautiful emblem of our faith in the crucified, buried, and risen Savior, with its effort in our death to sin and resurrection to new life; that it is pre-requisite to the privileges of a Church relation and to the Lord’s Supper; in which the members, and the Church, by the sacred use of bread and fruit of the vine are to commemorate together the undying love of Christ; preceded always by solemn self-examination.


OF THE CHURCH: We believe that the Church is a congregation of baptized believers legally and divinely established by God, associated by covenant of faith and fellowship of the gospel. The Church is governed by the ordinances of Christ and by His laws for exercising the gifts, rights, and privileges invested in Him. The only scriptural officers are Bishops (overseers, Elders (pastors), and Deacons; whose qualifications, claims, and duties are clearly defined in scriptures. We believe that the true mission of the Church is to be visible representation of Christ in the earth, to make individual disciples, to build up the Church, and to teach and instruct as the Lord has commanded. We believe that the local Church has the absolute right to self-government; free from the interference of any hierarchy of individuals or organizations; and that the one and only superintendent is Christ through the Holy Spirit; that it is scriptural for the true Churches to cooperate with each other in contending for the faith and for the furtherance of the gospel; that every local Church is the sole judge of the measure and method of its cooperation; on all matters of membership, of policy, of government, of discipline, and of benevolence (Acts 2:41-42, 6:5-6, 15:22-23; Ephesians 1:22-23, 4:11; I Timothy 31;13).


OF THE RIGHTEOUS AND THE WICKED: We believe that there is a radical and essential difference between the righteous and the wicked; that such only as through faith are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and sanctified by the Spirit of our God, are truly righteous in His esteem; while all such as continue in impenitence and unbelief are in His sight wicked, and under the curse, and this distinction holds among men both in and after death, in the everlasting felicity of the saved and everlasting conscious suffering of the lost (Malachi 3:18; Genesis 18:23; Romans 6:17-18; I Peter 1:18; Romans 1:17; I Corinthians 15:22; Matthew 7:13-14).


OF CIVIL GOVERNMENT: We believe that civil government is of divine appointment, for the interest and good order of human society; that magistrates are not opposed to the will of our Lord Jesus Christ; who is the only Lord of the conscience and the coming prince of the Kings of the earth (Romans 13:7; II Samuel 23:3; Titus 1:1; I Peter 2:13-14; Acts 4:19-20; Matthew 10:28).